
[kloud] /klaʊd/
a visible collection of particles of water or ice suspended in the air, usually at an elevation above the earth's surface.
any similar mass, especially of smoke or dust.
a dim or obscure area in something otherwise clear or transparent.
a patch or spot differing in color from the surrounding surface.
anything that obscures or darkens something, or causes gloom, trouble, suspicion, disgrace, etc.
a great number of insects, birds, etc., flying together:
a cloud of locusts obscuring the sun.
Digital Technology. any of several, often proprietary, parts of the Internet that allow online processing and storage of documents and data as well as electronic access to software and other resources (usually preceded by the):
More and more software companies are encouraging users to store their work in the cloud.
of or relating to cloud computing:
cloud software; cloud servers.
relating to or doing business on the Internet:
Google and other cloud companies.
verb (used with object)
to overspread or cover with, or as with, a cloud or clouds:
The smoke from the fire clouded the sun from view.
to overshadow; obscure; darken:
The hardships of war cloud his childhood memories.
to make gloomy.
(of distress, anxiety, etc.) to reveal itself in (a part of one's face):
Worry clouded his brow.
to make obscure or indistinct; confuse:
Don't cloud the issue with unnecessary details.
to place under suspicion, disgrace, etc.
to variegate with patches of another color.
verb (used without object)
to grow cloudy; become clouded.
(of a part of one's face) to reveal one's distress, anxiety, etc.:
His brow clouded with anger.
in the clouds,
  1. in a condition of absent-mindedness; lost in reverie.
  2. impractical:
    Their schemes are usually up in the clouds.
on a cloud, Informal. exceedingly happy; in high spirits:
On the night of the prom the seniors were on a cloud.
under a cloud, in disgrace; under suspicion:
After going bankrupt he left town under a cloud.
before 900; Middle English; Old English clūd rock, hill; probably akin to clod
Related forms
cloudlike, adjective
intercloud, verb (used with object)
1. vapor. 6. swarm, horde, multitude, throng, host, crowd, army. 14. muddle, distort. 19. Cloud, fog, haze, mist differ somewhat in their figurative uses. Cloud connotes especially daydreaming: His mind is in the clouds. Fog and haze connote especially bewilderment or confusion: to go around in a fog (haze ). Mist has an emotional connotation and suggests tears: a mist in one's eyes.
British Dictionary definitions for under a cloud


a mass of water or ice particles visible in the sky, usually white or grey, from which rain or snow falls when the particles coagulate See also cirrus, cumulonimbus, cumulus, stratus
any collection of particles visible in the air, esp of smoke or dust
a large number of insects or other small animals in flight
something that darkens, threatens, or carries gloom
(jewellery) a cloudlike blemish in a transparent stone
(modifier) of or relating to cloud computing: a cloud application
in the clouds, not in contact with reality
under a cloud
  1. under reproach or suspicion
  2. in a state of gloom or bad temper
(informal) on cloud nine, elated; very happy
when intr, often foll by over or up. to make or become cloudy, overcast, or indistinct
(transitive) to make obscure; darken
(transitive) to confuse or impair: emotion clouded his judgment
to make or become gloomy or depressed
(transitive) to place under or render liable to suspicion or disgrace
to render (liquids) milky or dull or (of liquids) to become milky or dull
to become or render mottled or variegated
Derived Forms
cloudless, adjective
cloudlessly, adverb
cloudlessness, noun
cloudlike, adjective
Word Origin
C13 (in the sense: a mass of vapour): from Old English clūd rock, hill; probably related to clod
Word Origin and History for under a cloud



Old English clud "mass of rock, hill," related to clod. Metaphoric extension to "raincloud, mass of evaporated water in the sky" is attested by c.1200 based on similarity of cumulus clouds and rock masses. The usual Old English word for "cloud" was weolcan. In Middle English, skie also originally meant "cloud."

The four fundamental types of cloud classification (cirrus, cumulus, stratus, nimbus) were proposed by British amateur meteorologist Luke Howard (1772-1864) in 1802. Figuratively, as something that casts a shadow, from early 15c.; hence under a cloud (c.1500). In the clouds "removed from earthly things; obscure, fanciful, unreal" is from 1640s. Cloud-compeller translates (poetically) Greek nephelegereta, a Homeric epithet of Zeus.


early 15c., "overspread with clouds, cover, darken," from cloud (n.). From 1510s as "to render dim or obscure;" 1590s as "to overspread with gloom." Intransitive sense of "become cloudy" is from 1560s. Related: Clouded; clouding.

under a cloud in Science

  1. A visible body of very fine water droplets or ice particles suspended in the atmosphere at altitudes ranging up to several miles above sea level. Clouds are formed when air that contains water vapor cools below the dew point.

  2. A distinguishable mass of particles or gas, such as the collection of gases and dust in a nebula.

Slang definitions & phrases for under a cloud


Related Terms

on cloud nine

under a cloud in the Bible

The Hebrew so rendered means "a covering," because clouds cover the sky. The word is used as a symbol of the Divine presence, as indicating the splendour of that glory which it conceals (Ex. 16:10; 33:9; Num. 11:25; 12:5; Job 22:14; Ps. 18:11). A "cloud without rain" is a proverbial saying, denoting a man who does not keep his promise (Prov. 16:15; Isa. 18:4; 25:5; Jude 1:12). A cloud is the figure of that which is transitory (Job 30:15; Hos. 6:4). A bright cloud is the symbolical seat of the Divine presence (Ex.29:42, 43; 1 Kings 8:10; 2 Chr. 5:14; Ezek. 43:4), and was called the Shechinah (q.v.). Jehovah came down upon Sinai in a cloud (Ex. 19:9); and the cloud filled the court around the tabernacle in the wilderness so that Moses could not enter it (Ex. 40:34, 35). At the dedication of the temple also the cloud "filled the house of the Lord" (1 Kings 8:10). Thus in like manner when Christ comes the second time he is described as coming "in the clouds" (Matt. 17:5; 24:30; Acts 1:9, 11). False teachers are likened unto clouds carried about with a tempest (2 Pet. 2:17). The infirmities of old age, which come one after another, are compared by Solomon to "clouds returning after the rain" (Eccl. 12:2). The blotting out of sins is like the sudden disappearance of threatening clouds from the sky (Isa. 44:22). Cloud, the pillar of, was the glory-cloud which indicated God's presence leading the ransomed people through the wilderness (Ex. 13:22; 33:9, 10). This pillar preceded the people as they marched, resting on the ark (Ex. 13:21; 40:36). By night it became a pillar of fire (Num. 9:17-23).

Idioms and Phrases with under a cloud

under a cloud

Under suspicion, in trouble, or out of favor, as in Ever since his brother was accused of fraud, he's been under a cloud. This metaphoric expression calls up the image of a single black cloud hanging over an individual. [ c. 1500 ]


In addition to the idioms beginning with cloud